Suspensie laterala cuunghi mare de pivotare;
Presiunea de contact este optim realizata prin arcuri;
Ajustarea presiuni la sol fara scule transmiterea puterii se realizeaza prin cardan si cutii de viteze;
Bara de taiere sudata integral , fara mentenanta;
Sistem rapid de schimbare a cutitelor;
SafeCut INSIDE: protectie la impact individula a discurilor de taiere;
SmartCut: suprapunerea inteligenta a cutitelor pentru taiere perfecta.
The perfect cut! Mow flat on meadow and pasture, slightly higher than long fodder plants. The wedge-shaped mowing profile offers a wide adjustment range. With EasyCut, you can mow unhindered, leaving a clean cut. Oversized double cogwheel bearing with long bearing distances and robust and high load capacity
Krone Genuine: Mower Satellite Satellite Drive Developed by Krone: Oversized cogwheels transmit 66-tooth power to the end of the mower. Due to its large diameter, it rotates more slowly and more teeth are connected to its adjacent gear. This design ensures quiet gait, improved power transmission and longer service life. The auxiliary drive in front of it always drives only one mower disc and is thus less exposed.
The mower is driven through an angular gear, just behind the inner deflector. With this design, you can work in a turn-free turn.